
AS 2341.12 pdf download

AS 2341.12 pdf download

AS 2341.12 pdf download,Methods of testing bitumen and related roadmaking products
1  Scope
The objective of this Test Method is to specify the procedures for the determination of the penetration of bitumen and related roadmaking products. It is applicable to bituminous materials with penetrations less than or equal to 200 (0.1 mm).
2  Application
ASTM D5/D5M-19 is the 2019 edition. Only the 2019 edition shall be used in accordance with this Test Method.
3  Normative references
The following normative documents are referred to in this Standard in addition to those referenced in ASTM D5/D5M-19. The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of the content constitutes requirements of this Standard. AS/NZS 2341.21, Method of testing bitumen and related roadmaking products, Method 21: Sample preparation AGPT-T102, Protocol for Handling Modified Binders in Preparation for Laboratory Testing
4  Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document the terms and definitions in this Test Method and ASTM D5/D5M-19 apply. 4.1 may indicates the existence of an option 4.2 shall indicates that a statement is mandatory 4.3 should indicates a recommendation
5  Operation
The requirements of ASTM D5/D5M-19 shall apply subject to the modifications set out in Appendix A for Australian conditions.
The following modifications are required for Australian conditions: Element Instruction/New text Cl 1.2 Delete clause, including Note 1. Cl 1.3 Delete clause and replace with the following: Values are stated in either SI units or imperial units in this Test Method. All measurements shall be made using SI units. Cl 1.6 Delete clause. Cl 2.1 Delete clause and replace with the following: The following documents are referred to in this Test Method: AS/NZS 2341.1, Method of testing bitumen and related roadmaking products, Part 1: Precision data — Definitions AS/NZS 2341.21, Method of testing bitumen and related roadmaking products, Method 21: Sample preparation AGPT-T102, Protocol for Handling Modified Binders in Preparation for Laboratory Testing ANSI B46.1, Surface Texture Note—Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, http:// www .ansi .org. ASTM E1, Standard Specification for ASTM Liquid‐in‐Glass Thermometers ASTM E2251, Standard Specification for Liquid‐in‐Glass ASTM Thermometers with Low‐Hazard Precision Liquids Note—For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www .astm .org, or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@ astm .org. For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.Sample container一A metal, cylindrical and flat-bottomed container shall be used. It shall have no noticeable rocking movement when placed on a flat surface (e.g. a glass plate) and a rocking force is applied by hand. The sample container should nominally have a diameter of 55 mm and an internal depth of 35 mm. Delete clause. After Clause 6.5, add the following new clause: . Satellite bath一- As an alternative to the transfer dish, a satellite bath (which is directly linked by hoses to the water bath) may be used. The satellite bath shall have sufficient depth of water to cover the sample container. It shall be provided with some means for obtaining a firm bearing and prevent rocking of the container. Its temperature shall be maintained at the test temperature by means of water recirculation from the water bath. Delete third sentence. Delete clause and replace with the following: Bitumen samples shall be prepared for testing in accordance with AS/NZS 2341.21. Polymer modified binder (PMB) samples shall be prepared for testing in accordance with AGPT-T102. Delete clause, including Note 5, and replace with the following: Pour the sample into two sample containers to a depth such that, when cooled to the temperature of test, the depth of sample is at least 10 mm greater than the depth to which the needle is expected to penetrate. NOTE 5- -If sufficient material is available, the sample container should be filled to near the brim. Delete clause, including Note 6, and replace with the following: Allow the containers to cool in air at room temperature on a non-conductive surface for 60 min士5 min. Then place the two samples together with the transfer dish, if used, in the water bath maintained at the prescribed temperature of the test. Samples shall remain in the . water bath for 60 min土5 min. . NOTE 6- -If conditions warrant, it is appropriate to loosely cover each container as a protection against dust.

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